Clown Menu II
Next workhop: 8.-10.11.2024
If you attended at least one weekend course and got to know your clown a little bit, this workshop is for you. We are looking for answers to questions such as:[nbsp] What temperament does my clown have? What kind of problems does he or she have? Which activities and what kind of clothes would be good for him or her?[nbsp] You will also get some practice with the basic principles that apply to both improvisation and prepared numbers: intensifying intentions, creating surprises, remaining authentic, developing a rhythm, keeping the contact with the audience.
Programm: Relaxation, exercices about the rhythm and contact with public/others. Working on your own clown and eventually on a short number.
Length: 12 h
Times: Friday 19-22, Saturday 11-17, Sunday 11-15
Price: 170 €/ 150 € students, unemployed etc.
Place: ETI, Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin